E-scooters for Hilton guests
Explore the city using most attractive way / Service provided by Strim Mobility Sas
no app needed

The first hour costs €6 and then €9 per hour. This time enough to get a tour from the European Parliament to the city centre and back to the Hotel.
If you wish to stay longer in some places, the rest of the day will cost only an extra €12 (In total €18 for the promotional price and €21 with the normal price for a full day). Please remember that a full battery could drive you up to 40 km. (It's enough to ride three times around Strasbourg). Before the ride, please check the battery level!
Helmet policy
According to French law, you could ride a scooter without a helmet in the city !

Ride rules
According to French law, ride scooters are not allowed on pavements and pedestrian zones.
Use only bikes roads and if not possible roads for cars.
Parking and Return
Please return the scooter and helmet to the Hotel. You could temporarily lock your scooter on any bike parking in the city and enjoy the city on foot
If you wish to end the ride outside the Hotel parking zone, it will cost an extra €10
Return scooter without extra cost possible only on hotel parking.